
Showing posts from 2015


I AM AWAKE NOW You can not walk in and out of here every time! You can not mean you love me and do these things that you do. Even broken, I am not a door mat! I am thinking this is posed to be your final destination and not your designated waiting area. Meaning? you get here...and stay here! I lost everything though this year because I think you loved you. You talk of trust, Of the west side stories, Of how I deserve some glass slipper, And how you go away to right your wrongs But you forget these lies are contagious! I now tell myself that you will eventually reciprocate this love. And I get stuck here trying to figure out how to win you back You must Roll your boat And you best believe this is not a mere confrontation. I am just not wired for this kind of hurt that you put me through. All I can see are dark clouds like halos above your head. And I can not deal with such negative energy... Well at least not an...

Guess who Is back.

Hello Everyone, If you are reading this, I'm extremely grateful to have you here. PINK INK ON PAPER has been growing in audience and as well as content since I started it with the help and encouragement of an awesome friend in 2013. To those who started with me and are still here, I say a massive Thank You. Y'all are the real MVPs I know I have not been the best blogger there is but that has been because life and growing up really does take a hold of you in ways you never see coming.  But it's everyone of you who believe in the little work I do and for others that support me by sharing and posting and commenting and even featuring me, that brings me right back to where it all started. It's been really awesome knowing that there are people who still believe in others aside themselves.  For those asking, I have a couple write ups that I have been storing up and will be much more effective here.  Below are answers to a few repeated questions I get fr...


tôkinG  flīz Talking flies........ I thought those things buzzed! Reasons why you mistake white and gold  For blue and black?!? Again it's only myself  to say where my pain hurts the most  A character that speaks such volume Or are you referring to A, B and Cs That turned to mere remixes And reproduced as MP3s ? You have taken my love..... You have twisted my love...... You have made me this awful thing, In a fine bathing soaked in caramel: butter: milk bath! Ex lover, You Are Going Straight To Hell !!! Act your shoe size, because you are taking this walk alone  You Judgemental Judger, never you look at me that way  I'm too broken to hold back these falling pieces I have forgiven you. But we will never be the same again  Just like the taste of water is different with salt in it. Just like my injury hurts more when you poured methylated spirit on it  You soun...