SEDUCE It's true that a right thing is never forced nor rushed. Where I belong is clear. See I moan for all that feeling that can lead up to sex. From slow kisses into a passionate mess, To grabbing me closer and tighter, To feeling my nipples poke your chest as I struggle to hold on. See this is only the starting point The woman within me is fully awake. Not forgetting I need to carry you along, I make sure my tap flows freely without hindrance for a fine bathing inside of me With tickling sensation all over my nakedness. I worship and adore as you get closer to my deepest thoughts and secrets Begging you to crawl your trembling lust into my arms and feel your fear leave you like sleep. Because I don't feel you hard enough, Hold your ears to my chest and I shall commit your frightened breath; Aaha!!! My thoughts of an orgasm as a fluid body of water, Flowing through me with th...