My heart travels a thousand times, Towards the pain my fathers' fathers' father felt When they where held captive for centuries By the Nellys who saw themselves as majority not caring about what the future had for either of us It was something that not even rags would have wished for Using their tears as prayers, they sang the AMAZING GRACE Ohh.. Where was the law guarding human rights against slavery When in 47BC - 500AD the Roman Empire enslaved North Africa? When in 1250 - 1517 Egypt was enslaved by brutality? When the Somail and Afar Muslim sultanates Through their ports traded Zanj slaves that were captured from their native lands? When slaves were regarded as a classless member of the society? or When the mighty ship arrived on the Calabar river through Creektown and imprisoned it's natives? Everyday, they each woke up to a routine of torture and pain With their dreams for better days intertw...